Create a Scheduled Session

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  1. Navigate to the Scheduling Tool.
  2. Select Create from the Options menu. If you cannot see the menu, show the Tool Panel.
  3. Fill out the form.
    Field Name Field Type Required
    Name Text Input Yes Enter a name for the session.
    Description Text Input No Optionally provide details and links that append an existing course description. individuals will see the session description when they Click for Info in the catalogue.
    Bundle Drop-down No Narrow the product list by selecting a category bundle.
    Product Drop-down Yes Select the product for your session.
    Instructor Drop-down No Select an instructor for the session. Note that the instructor must be enroled to the product. The LMS will display a conflict alert if the instructor is already scheduled on the same date and time. A course can still be scheduled with the conflict in place.
    Location Text Input No Enter details about where the session is taking place. The LMS will display a conflict alert if the location is already scheduled on the same date and time. A course can still be scheduled with the conflict in place.
    Room Text Input No Identify the room that the session is meeting in.
    Status Drop-down Yes Select the status of the session. A status change does not run any LMS tasks and is not automatically affected by publish dates; status is more of an administrative tool. For more about statuses, visit Change Session Status.
    Type Drop-down Yes The delivery method is shown in the catalog (e.g. Classroom, Webinar). The enrol button will change based on the type. The type and enrol buttons can be renamed by a Site Manager.
    Maximum Attendance Text Input No Enter the number of spots/seats available or leave blank for unlimited. Once this number is reached, individuals attempting to enrol will see that the class is full. If an individual withdraws from the session, it will make a spot available.
    Start Date Date/Time Yes Individuals cannot enrol after the start date/time regardless of publish date and status. Instructors can manually enrol a individual past the start date. Note that the LMS displays all times in Eastern Time Zone.
    End Date Date/Time Yes The end date indicated when the session is over. Individuals generally should not not be enroled to a session that had ended. Note that the LMS displays all times in Eastern Time Zone.
    Published Date/Time No Select one of the two options to set a time frame to accept enrolments for confirmed sessions:
    • Publish Forever: This will open your session to enrolments from the time you create the product until the time you have changed the status to Completed.
    • Publish Between:  Set a specific date/time range to accept enrolments from the catalog and calendar.
    Waitlist Number Input No An optional waitlist can be set with maximum number and cut off dates. Individuals on the waitlist can be manually moved from the waitlist to  enrolment in the session. See Waitlist in the Scheduling Tool topic of hte Instrcutor manual.
    Attachment File Upload No After you create the session, you can edit it to upload files such as .ics, .pdf, and .docx to make them available to enroled individuals. To prevent calendar conflicts, you can attach only one .ics at a time.
  4. Select Create or Save and Create Another to keep the data from the previous save and start a new session.