By default, most users will see search results based on what their enrolments for active assets statuses. Active asset statuses include: active, popup, overview only, and hidden. Note that the hidden status has a LMS configuration option to hide these from search results for all desktop users.
- Site Managers can search for any content, regardless of status.
- User type 1 (e.g., Participant) can search for enroled content an can see active product/asset statuses.
- User types 3 and 4 (e.g., Publish and Instructor) can search for enroled content and can see all product/asset statuses.
- User type 5 (e.g., User Group Manager) can search for any product/asset content in their own group and can see all active product/asset statuses, regardless of enrolment. User must be enroled to launch the product from the search link.
- User type 6 (e.g., Campus level manager) can search for assets/products in their own campuses and can see all active product/asset statuses. User must be enroled to launch the product from the search link.
- User Type 13 (e.g., Campus Admin) can search and launch on all products/assets in their own campuses, regardless of asset status.