Create a New Language

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Site Managers can create a new language. For each new language that is created, there is automatically one default dictionary generated that you can customize. A Site Manager may also opt to create any number of additional dictionaries for a language. (see Create a New Dictionary). 

  1. Log in with a Site Manager account.
  2. Select Language from the control panel.
  3. Select Create from the Language Options menu on the right side. If you cannot see the menu, show the Tool Panel. 
  4. Enter the Language Name and set the Status to active or inactive.
  5. Save. For each new language that is created, a new dictionary is automatically generated. After saving you will be taken to the new dictionary so you can customize it.
  6. Populate each dictionary label with new language terms (see Edit Dictionary Labels). You can save your work and return to the dictionary later via the Control Panel.
  7. Optionally set up email notifications. Notifications for a new language are disabled, so a Site Manager must configure any email notifications (see Email Notifications topic in the Site Manager manual). 

callout-infoAn active language is available to all campuses.