Create or Edit Training Records

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There are multiple methods for creating new supplemental training records. Select the applicable method below.

Internal training records are those that can be associated with exiting content in the system. For example,  a WHMIS course is available on the system, but your Health and Safety officer needs additional training that is performed outside of the LMS. You can add several training records to the same product. As you enter each record, the most recent update will appear on top while a history of each record update appears below. 

  1. Navigate to Individual's Training Records.
  2. Select Add Supplemental Training.
  3. Select Internal from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the associated product from the drop-down menu. This list is the user's product enrolments.
    • If the product you need is not listed, use the Associate to Product button to select it and enrol the user.
    • The list contains the products available for enrolment, based on the user's group memberships. 
    • The enroled product will be available in the associated product from the drop-down menu.
  5. Complete the rest of the form.
  6. Optionally add, replace, or delete an attachment
  7. Save.

External training records are those that cannot be associated with existing content in the system. For example,  an employee that attended a two-day off site trade seminar as part of their professional improvement.

  1. Navigate to Individual's Training Records.
  2. Select Add Supplemental Training.
  3. Select External from the drop-down menu.
  4. Complete the rest of the form.
  5. Optionally add an attachment
  6. Save.
  1. Navigate to Training Records. Both options allow edits.
  2. Select the name of the training record.
  3. Make changes to editable fields.
  4. Optionally add an attachment
  5. Save.
Create multiple training records associated to specific users via the Import Utility. Select the Supplemental Training import type from the drop-down menu. Note that training record attachments cannot be uploaded this way.

callout-successThis feature is available to Site Managers depending on system configuration.

See Automatic Training Record upon Certification.