Add Exceptions to Storefront

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Site managers may choose to publish an exception to the storefront so that a customer can purchase extended access to a product that has expired for them. You can even set a limit as to how many times that exception may be purchased by each customer by using the Limit field. The process for adding exceptions to the store is exactly the same as adding products. Simply select “product exception” from the drop-down menu under the item type. Individuals must be on the enrolment list to purchase a product exception, i.e., they must have first purchased the product itself or have been registered manually within the system.

The process for adding exceptions to the store is exactly the same as adding products (see Add Products to Storefront). Individuals must be on the enrolment list to purchase a product exception, i.e., they must have first purchased the product itself or have been registered manually within the system.

Email Notifications for Exceptions
Email notification may be enabled to remind enroled individuals about an expiring product with a link to purchase an exception. Provided that the exception is available on the storefront to be purchased, the product expiration notice will include a link to purchase the related exception. This is done automatically based on the conditions below.

  • An extension has to have been created in the storefront.
  • The preset text [[ Extension List ]] is added to the body of the email.

The link is usually just a standard link to automatically add the product into the cart. When the user clicks the link, they are brought to the storefront with the extension added to their cart.

callout-infoProduct Exception Tips

  1.  Exceptions are only applicable for storefront products that have a duration or expiry.
  2. The product does not need to be on the storefront to publish an exception for it on the storefront.
  3. Extra time will be added to the original expiry, so only enter the duration days for the exception itself, not a total.