The various tax setup rules you create up will combine with each other and affect customers who meet the criteria of multiple tax rules. What follows are some examples of tax setups and their effects on customers.
Blanket Tax
The example below shows that a 5% is applied, no matter where your wholesale member customer lives. There is no regional tax rule setup for the zip code, state or country.
Multiple Regional Tax Rules
The example below shows all of the rules set up for Non-Member customers.
A Non-Member customer living anywhere outside of Canada would pay 5% tax (line 3).
A Non-Member customer living within Canada (country code CA) would pay 5% tax and an additional 5% for living anywhere (line 1).
A non-member customer living in Ontario would pay 5% tax for being in Canada, an additional 8% for living in Ontario (state code ON) and an additional 5% for living anywhere (line 2).